I was able to get Recall working on this bad boy
Snapdragon 7c+ Gen3, 3.4 GB of RAM, no NPU in sight
Will cook up a tutorial soon, it's surprisingly good even on something this low spec
Can confirm that Recall data is indeed stored in a SQLite3 database. The folder it's in is fully accessible only by SYSTEM and the Administrators group. Attempting to access it as a normal user yields the usual "You don't currently have permission" error. Here's how the database is laid out for those curious, figured you might appreciate a few screenshots.
@detective Hi! If you have a moment I have an odd question, I've searched around to no avail: what folder was the DB stored in on your system? I see snapshots are saved in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp but looking for where the Administrators-and-SYSTEM-only permanent copy is. I see D:\Analysis\... in your SQLite browser but I'm not sure if that's a copy or its location on your system