1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the cybersecurity.theater moderators.

  1. DO: Post content that is meaningful to you
  2. DO: Treat everyone on server and across servers with respect and decency
  3. DO: Support claims with clear evidence from reputable sources
  4. DO: Use content warnings when discussing sensitive topics (ex. violence)
  5. DON'T: Be tolerant of intolerance - report and disengage from people or servers that do not treat all people with respect and decency
  6. DON'T: Stalk, harass, or dox anyone
  7. DON'T: Post gore, graphic violence, pedophilia, necrophilia, etc.
  8. DON'T: Discriminate against others (ex. no racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, etc.)
  9. DON'T: Run commercial accounts or post advertisements for business services
  10. DON'T: Spam people with unwanted or repetitive content (ex. no bots)